Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A lookback at some old videos of mine

This journey as a vidder, this experience, one which was brought up by the announcement of The X-Files : I want to believe movie, has trully been enrichening in so many ways. I got to know many new people and some of them count as my friends today, Back then, it was all about the excitement for the new movie. I remember with joy those days and back in 2007, I never thought I would get to make so many videos. I didn't even know how to make one, so I guess the excitement lies there. And I did, learned how to vidd with support and love from the philes from around the globe. There come times where we draw a line and look back so I can't but bring back some old videos I've made. In name of those times that all of philes will remember dearly, or as I call it, the pre-IWTB era. Here are some of them, in poor quality but brought back to you from ashes. I intend to upload them all and put the link on my websites video section.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The X-Files - Still Lost

It has been a while since I had made a new video of The X-Files. Holidays, work, and all the usual "bla bla" keept me away from doing what I love doing most: vidding about Mulder and Scully!

Still Lost is a song by Tom McRae, not that known but a very talented artist indeed. Now I had done one video with his music before (My Vampire Heart) and hearing this song, inspired me to do another one which isn't that much about losing anyone but how you get lost without that one certain person...

Still lost is my first video in 2010 and I want to wish you a good new year although a bit late. Enjoy this video. Thanks to people who left a comment.
