Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To Build A Home - Mulder and Scully

From times to times, there's a talented person who makes a video which simply takes your breathe away. As a vidder, I can recognise all the aspects of hard work and this video is done with much passion. Requiem X. I love her videos, her vidding style is unique and so recognisable. If you haven't seen it yet, do so now.

And btw, merry Xmas to you all.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It feels like IWTB

It is wednesday and only few days separate me and the IWTB dvd... I looked out my window last night and what a surprise! It started snowing! I stared outside for a while, remembering the past year, my excitement as I went to see The X-Files : I Want To Believe for the first time. It was in an open-air summer theater. There was a crowd of people and I could see, many excited Philes. And there I was. Watching Mulder and Scully again. On the big screen. The weather wasn't the best, it almost started raining at one point and you could see thunder in the background.

So much excitment, and so much joy... Now I feel the same awiting the dvd to arrive to my home. I never understood why I like this show so much, after so many years. I guess I'll never really know.

The new exciting news is that Youtube has made some improvments. The video size limit was bought up from 100MB to 1GB and it's all in HD. So now I am trying to render some of my videos in HD version for the enjoyment of all Philes. I guess that will make me quite busy for a while. I have to make many adjustments but I am happy to share them in better quality now.

If you care, you can check out my original channel which will be the place where I'll put up all my HD vids, for now. The link is here.

See you soon. Thanks for reading. Gomnitus.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Third \"X-Files\" Film To Deal With Aliens | AHN | November 18, 2008

Third "X-Files" Film To Deal With Aliens AHN November 18, 2008

Los Angeles, CA (CNS) - If "X-Files" is having another go at the box office, it would likely have to deal with aliens, writer/producer Frank Spotnitz reveals in plans for a possible third film.
Spotnitz told movieweb.com in an interview that he welcomes the opportunity of making another film starring the famed duo Mulder and Scully, and he already has an idea of what they would be tackling.
He said, "If we were to make one more feature, I think we would definitely have to deal with alien colonization. I honestly think that's the movie that most non-hardcore X-files fans, as well as a lot of hardcore X-files fans are dying to see."
"Obviously, I think Chris [Carter, creator] has had ideas about that from the very beginning when he dreamt up this show, 16 years ago."
The probable release date of the film would also be in December 2012, seeing that the date is very important in the X-Files mythology.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

X-Files 3 Movie Update - Screen Rant

October 16, 2008 by Niall Browne
X-Files 3 Movie Update
When The X-Files: I Want To Believe bombed this past summer at the U.S. box office it looked like the end of the sci-fi franchise. However the film has grossed a pretty decent $70 million worldwide off of a modest budget of $30 million, so it is firmly in the column marked profit. All this and the DVD sales haven’t even been factored in yet.
Now Fox head Tim Rothman has stated that he’d be up for a third film in the series, and all that it will take for the film to get a green light is commitment from Chris Carter, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

When asked by IESB about the film Rothman said:
“It’s really up to Chris, David, and Gillian.”
“It wasn’t a matter of the money, that was the film that Chris wanted to do. He was determined to do a stand alone film, a film that wasn’t dependent upon the mythology. His interest in making the movie, was in the characters and in their relationship, not the mythology.”
Producer and Co-Writer of I Want To Believe Frank Spotnitz seemed a bit surprised by the news. On his blog he wrote:
“I was encouraged to read Tom Rothman’s remarks as well. I anticipated the studio would wait until after the release of the DVD to make any decision regarding a third movie, but I will let you know if we end up having any news before then.”
So there you have it. The future seems bright for Mulder and Scully. While I Want To Believe may not have been a huge commercial and critical success it has generated enough coin to get a third film off the ground.
I recently re-watched the film and I have to say that it works better on the small screen, and it does play more like an episode of the series. Which isn’t really a bad thing!
During the publicity rounds for the last film all the principals seemed very interested in returning for a fourth installment, so there would appear to be a very good chance that Mulder and Scully will return.
More when we get it.
Sources: IESB and Biglight.com

X-Files 3 Movie Update - Screen Rant

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moviehole. Another X-Files movie?

Moviehole. Another X-Files movie?

Author: Clint Morris Date: Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 Time: 7:21 pm
"X-Files : I Want to Believe" didn't make much of a dint at the box office - probably just as well it didn't cost an arm-and-a-leg to make.
FOX chairman Tom Rothman told IESB today that, despite the lackluster performance of the latter, there's still the possibility of another - and he's leaving it up to the cast and crew as to whether they'd like to see that happen.
‘'It's really up to Chris [Carter], David [Duchovny] and Gillian [Anderson]", Rothman tells the site.
In addition, Rothman says new "Die Hard", "Independence Day" and "Silver Surfer" movies are also under consideration. You can read what he has to say about all those projects - and more - in IESB's exclusive interview.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cold Water

Hello there. I decided to start somewhat of a blog where I will talk about videos I made as well as other videos I like. This is the first entry.

Originally, I started making this video a while ago, and I kinda got stuck in middle of it. I love Damien Rice and I wanted to do a vid to this song called Cold Water. At the time, I thought I should go with another song and that is where I started with one idea but finished on another one.

The lyrics of Sia's "Breathe Me" fitted better so I saved this project as a separate file on Ulead and put it in the folder with the other unfinished project. So, I continued on the same idea with some slight changes then what I had originally on mind and that is how I made my other video called "Breathe Me".

While the other day I was going through some ideas for a new vid, I came across this file and opened it on Ulead. And there we are, we see Scully opening the doors and entering the room (just like on the Breathe Me video) and thought this was perfect for the new video I wanted to make. I had the whole concept of the voiceovers, IWTB scenes and the car scenes already on my mind. Got them while I was taking a shower (hehe), run to my computer and kinda put it together as it is now (or almost).

I mostly throw the most of scenes I have in mind all together and then finish making my videos on a process which I call "sculpturing"... Sounds silly, but it's like a sculpture that is becoming shape, I throw the stuff together and make a form out of it and come back later to finish the fine work, like adjusting and editing small pieces.

For instance, the 3 scenes where Mulder and Scully touch hands following the song's lyrics came to me as I was almost done with the video so I had to go back and redo all the necessary editing to fit these 3 details into the final version. The car driving scene is from Six Feet Under, I loved that final scene of the series and how they've killed all of the characters and wrapped that show (glad it didn't happen on X-Files!). It was a great moment and I wanted to integrate it into my vid.

You will also notice the two similar scenes from Fight the Future and I want to believe integrated into the driving sequence at the end.

I've received many comments for you people and it really helps to keep me motivated and make more. So I thank you, it helps me improve and try not to deceive you all while still holding to my viding style.Until next time. Gomnitus.